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Fundraising made easy.

Every month, Miles gives away $500 to youth organizations to support fundraising efforts. Stop selling popcorn, hawking coupon cards and washing cars! Get creative with your club, team, group and win $500!

Here’s How:

Step One:

Create a video showcasing your youth organization’s purpose while creatively incorporating Miles into the show. Are you part of a gymnastics team? How about gymnasts flipping and flying over a line of Miles deodorants on the mat? What about a chess team playing a championship match - using Miles as the pieces? Can your cheer team come up with a cheer featuring Miles? The ideas are endless.

Step two:

Submit your video via email to by the 20th of each month. It’s likely that your video will be too large to email - so send us a Google Drive or Dropbox link to the video. Just make sure we can open it. 

Step three:

We will review your video and all submissions by the end of each month. If you’re the winner, we will notify you via email. And then, we will announce the monthly winner on our social channels (@heymilesbrand) the first week of the following month, and share the submitted video on Miles social channels!

Here’s why we do this:

Miles’ mission is to inspire self-confidence and authenticity in teens & tweens. We believe pursuing your passion, sharing your talents, exercising your creativity and using your brain + body all help build that self-confidence and authenticity. Show us what you can do!!

The details:

When you submit your video via email to this is very important - please make sure to include:

  • The name & email of an adult that coaches, manages, leads, oversees the youth organization.
  • This statement: “I verify that all persons shown in this video consent to their likeness being included in the video, and all persons understand that if chosen the winner of the Miles Monthly Fundraiser, this video will be used in Miles marketing efforts across social media.”
  • The legal name of the youth organization. If chosen the winner, this is the name we will pay via mailed check.
  • The address to send the check, if chosen as the winner.